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mindsensors toolkit for LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS 2015

mindsensors toolkit for LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS 2015


mindsensors' toolkit and palette

mindsensors' toolkit for LabVIEW 2015 works as an add-on palette, which you can import into your LabVIEW easily.

1. Download the toolkit zip file here.

2. Unzip the in your Documents folder (or any other folder and make a note of where you unzipped it).

3. Create a blank Robot Project and Click on 'New VI' (select VI for NXT/EV3 Target)

Open a Blank Robot Project in LabVIEW


4. Give it a name, open the project and then continue to open it's Block Diagram.

Open a robot project


5. Open menu Tools → Advanced → Edit Palette Set...

Open it's block diagram and open menu Edit Palette Set


6. Your current Palette set would be 'NXT' and the screen would look similar to:

Edit Controls


7. Click on the icon 'MINDSTOR...', and then right click on the blank area to bring up it's menu as follows:

Insert Palette


8. Select the “Insert ->VI(s)...' submenu and then browse to folder where you unzipped, and select file 'mindsensors' and click 'Open'.

Add the palette


9. This will incorporate the mindsensors device palette in your LabVIEW.

10. Save the Palette changes; (accept any warning along the way, and continue).

11. Your palette will look as in picture below:

Palette Added


12. Click on the mindsensors palette to open it's contents. You should now be able to add the mindsensor's devices to your LabVIEW program.

13. Bring the icon on your block diagram, and select the pull down to choose your desired device.

how the palette looks like

14. If you don't see your device in this list, let us know.

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