How to Install Blocks in EV3

- Download the Mindsensors Block
- Open the EV3 software
- Start a new program and open the “Block Import” Wizard from the tools menu.
If you need the blocks, download them here.
Import the Block file
- Click Browse and select the <product-name>.ev3b file
- Select the <product-name>.ev3b block from the “Select Blocks to Import” list.
- Click Import.
- Answer 'OK' to any 'Replace...' popup that might show up.
After Installation

- Restart the EV3 software.
- Observe there should be new 'Mindsensors...' blocks on the Action (green), Sensor (yellow), and Advanced (blue) palettes to the lower region of the window.
- You can drag and drop these new blocks into your programs.
- Build Robot, write program, and have fun.
If you are looking for NXT-G blocks instead, they are here.