Blog Post

Comparing Dist-Nx and SumoEyes


The Basics

Dist-Nx and SumoEyes both use infrared technology to examine objects or obstacles.  The medium range Dist-Nx can measure the distance of an object between 10cm - 80cm with high precision, but in only one direction. The SumoEyes can measure if an object is within its 60º in front of it and tell whether the object is on the left, right or straight ahead and also returns whether the object is a long or short distance away from the sensor.



The Dist-Nx is an optical distance sensor that uses a digital I2C interface.  This sensor works by sending out an IR light, when the light is reflected by an object the lense captures the reflected IR light and measures the angle at which the IR light was reflected.  The sensor then does internal calculations and will display the correct distance, given the distance is within sensors range.

Long Range: 30 to 150 cm (with highest accuracy in zone 30
cm to 100 cm).
Medium Range: 10 to 80 cm (with highest accuracy in zone 10
cm to 40 cm).
Short Range: 7 to 30 cm (with highest accuracy in zone 7 cm
to 20 cm).



The SumoEyes  is also an optical detection sensor, however this sensor works a little differently.  This sensor uses an analog interface and instead of having one IR sensor, the SumoEyes have three IR sensors to measure left, right, or straight. The sensor can also give two readings for the range of the object, long or short.


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