The NXTServo can control the speed and position of up to 8 individual servos at one time. An external power supply is used to provide power to the motor without draining the main power supply (usually the EV3 or NXT). If you are having trouble with your NXTServo, your issues may be solved in this post. 

This post assumes use of NXTServo with EV3-G or NXT-G programming environments.


You see only 'Read Error' on your EV3 screen when running the NXTServo example program:

First, check to make sure the NXTServo is properly connected to the Sensor Port 1 on your brick.

If the 'Read Error' message is still displayed, run the 'Explorer' program to view I2C information of the NXTServo. You can find instructions here.

If you device is detected, check the version number of the firmware. Some older firmwares are not compatible with the EV3 and you will have to upgrade it. If the firmware version is earlier than V1.21, please send an email to requesting the updated firmware file. Then, upgrade the NXTServo using a NXT brick with the instructions hereIf the NXTServo is the older rectangular model, the firmware upgrade may not work. This model is obsolete and hardware changes have bee made to provide a better product. In this case you will have to buy a new NXTServo.

If your device does is not detected when running the 'Explorer', it is likely your device is faulty and should contact for a replacement.

Voltage is displayed when running the NXTServo example program but the servos will not move.

Ensure the power source if properly connected to the NXTServo. Pay close attention to polarity.

Ensure the voltage reading (in millivolts) from the NXTServo is high enough to power your servo motors. Most servo motors require anywhere from 5V-9V (5000mv-9000mv) to move. Check the datasheet of your servo motor to determine minimum input voltage. If your voltage is lower than this, charge or change your batteries.

Ensure the servo motor is properly connected to the NXTServo. The servo motor signal wire (usually white or yellow) should be towards the white line on the NXTServo. If you have connected the servo motor incorrectly the motor may no longer work. 

Ensure you have attached a working servo motor. 


If your issue was not solved in this post, please contact