Many I2C sensors will contain basic information located in the first 24 register addresses. Mindsensors devices have the firmware version number in the first 8 registers (x00-x07), vendor identification in the next 8 (x08-x0F), and device identification in the next (x10-x17). This information can be very helpful when troubleshooting communication issues. Follow the steps below to view the information using the "Explorer" pograms.


Explorer for NXT-G:


  1. Download the Explorer program for NXT here.
  2. Open the NXT-G software and start a new program.
  3. Click the NXT Window.
  4. Make sure your NXT brick is connected and click the memory tab.
  5. Click Download, select Explorer.rxe, and click OK.
  6. Attach your I2C device to sensor port 1.
  7. Run the program.
  8. You should see a result similar to the picture below.




Explorer for EV3:


  1. Download the Mindsensors I2C Address ID and Mindsensors Read 8 Bytes blocks.
  2. Install them into your EV3 programming environment using the instructions found here.
  3. Download Explorer for EV3 here
  4. Open the program in your EV3 programming environment.
  5. Attach your I2C device to sensor port 1.
  6. Run the program on your EV3 or NXT brick.
  7. You should see a result similar to the picture below.