PiStorms Library Reference by mindsensors.com
Cmindsensors.BLOB | BLOB: this class is a subclass of NXTCAM |
▼CException | |
▼Cscratch.ScratchError | |
Cscratch.ScratchConnectionError | |
▼CILI9341 | |
CMS_ILI9341.ILI9341 | |
CmindsensorsUI.mindsensorsUI | MindsensorsUI: this class provides functions for touchscreen LCD on mindsensors.com products for read and write operations |
▼Cobject | |
▼CPiStormsCom.PiStormsCom | PiStormsCom: this class provides communication functions for PiStorms |
▼CLegoDevices.LegoSensor | LegoSensor: This class provides functions for LEGOSensors This class will have derived classes for each sensor |
CLegoDevices.EV3ColorSensor | |
CLegoDevices.EV3GyroSensor | |
CLegoDevices.EV3InfraredSensor | |
CLegoDevices.EV3TouchSensor | |
CLegoDevices.EV3UltrasonicSensor | |
CLegoDevices.NXTColorSensor | |
CLegoDevices.NXTLightSensor | |
CLegoDevices.NXTTouchSensor | This class implements NXT Touch Sensor |
Cscratch.Scratch | |
▼CPiStorms.PiStorms | PiStorms: This class provides functions for PiStorms |
Crmap.rmap_PISTORMS | Rmap_PISTORMS: this class provides functions for PISTORMS integration with scratch for read and write operations with scratch |
CPiStorms.PiStormsMotor | PiStormsMotor: This class provides functions for motor control |
CPiStorms.PiStormsSensor | PiStormsSensor: This class provides functions for configuration, reading, and writing of sensors for use with PiStorms |
CPiStormsCom.PSMotor | |
CPiStormsCom.PSSensor | |
CTouchScreenInput.TouchScreenInput | Create a TextBox with virtual keyboard for user Input |
▼Cmindsensors_i2c | |
Cmindsensors.ABSIMU | ABSIMU: this class provides functions for models of the ABSIMU from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
Cmindsensors.ANGLE | Angle: this class provides functions for GlideWheel-AngleSensor from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
Cmindsensors.CURRENT | CURRENT: this class provides functions for NXTCurrentMeter from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
Cmindsensors.DIST | DIST: this class provides functions for DISTNx from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
Cmindsensors.EV3Lights | EV3Lights: this class provides functions to control RGB LEDs using EV3Lights |
Cmindsensors.EV3SensAdapt | EV3SensAdapt: this class provides functions for EV3 Sensor Adapter and EV3 Sensor Multiplexor from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
Cmindsensors.LINELEADER | LINELEADER: this class provides functions for Lineleader from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
Cmindsensors.LSA | LSA: this class provides functions for LightSensorArray from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
Cmindsensors.MMX | MMX: this class provides motor control functions for use with NXTMMX Raspberry Pi i2c baud rate must be 35000 or less to ensure proper functionality of NXTMMX |
Cmindsensors.NXTCAM | NXTCAM: this class provides functions for models of the NXTCAM and PixyAdapter from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
Cmindsensors.NXTSERVO | NXTSERVO: this class provides servo motor control functions |
Cmindsensors.PFMATE | PFMATE: this class provides motor control functions |
Cmindsensors.PPS58 | PPS58: this class provides functions for PPS58 from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
Cmindsensors.VOLT | Volt: this class provides functions for NXTVoltMeter from mindsensors.com for read and write operations |
CMsDevices.AbsoluteIMU | AbsoluteIMU: this class provides PiStorms specific interface for all models of the AbsoluteIMU from mindsensors.com for detailed member functions for this class, please refer to mindsensors.ABSIMU |
CMsDevices.IRThermometer | IRThermometer : this class provides PiStorms specific interface for the IR Thermometer sensor: http://www.mindsensors.com/products/170-ir-temperature-sensor-for-ev3-or-nxt |
CMsDevices.LightSensorArray | LightSensorArray: this class provides PiStorms specific interface for LightSensorArray |
CMsDevices.LineLeader | LineLeader: this class provides PiStorms specific interface for LineLeader-v2 and NXTLineLeader |
CMsDevices.SumoEyes | SumoEyes: this class provides PiStorms specific interface for the SumoEyes obstacle detection sensor from mindsensors.com |
▼CWebSocketClient | |
Cswarmclient.SwarmClient |