

PiStorms News and HowTos

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AbsoluteIMU Car Impact with PiStorms Datalogging

AbsoluteIMU Car Impact with PiStorms Datalogging


Plot 3 axes at once and use the PiStorms to measure the acceleration of an impact!

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PiStorms Pendulum

PiStorms Pendulum


Pendulum motion is a great candidate for data logging on the PiStorms. Read how we use the AbsoluteIMU to capture and display this data with ease.

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PiStorms Data Logging

PiStorms Data Logging


Now you can easily collect data on your PiStorms and display it on its screen! You can even make live-updating graphs.

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Visual Programming for PiStorms Robots

Visual Programming for PiStorms Robots


Learn programming with Blockly visual programming environment for PiStorms

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Image Recognition Robot with PiStorms and Pi Camera

Image Recognition Robot with PiStorms and Pi Camera


Want to make a PiStorms robot that uses a PiCamera to recognize icons placed in front of it and reacts differently to each one? This tutorial will teach you how to do just that!

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How to access PiStorms Web Interface

How to access PiStorms Web Interface


Need to access PiStorms from your SmartPhone?

Read this to learn how...

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How To use PiStorms with Notepad ++

How To use PiStorms with Notepad ++


Learn how to use Notepad ++ with your PiStorms using NppFTP

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How to Calibrate PiStorms Touch Screen

How to Calibrate PiStorms Touch Screen


This post goes over how to calibrate your PiStorms touchscreen.
Calibration is only needed after a firmware upgrade.
For steps to upgrade your firmware, click here

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How to attach rechargeable battery to PiStorms

How to attach rechargeable battery to PiStorms


So you got the rechargeable battery for PiStorms? Follow these steps to learn how to attach.

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Take User Input With a Keyboard Widget in PiStorms!

Take User Input With a Keyboard Widget in PiStorms!


Did you ever need to take textual input with your PiStorms? This tutorial explains how to use the new input class to take input with an on-screen keyboard.

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Connect to Wi-Fi Directly from PiStorms!

Connect to Wi-Fi Directly from PiStorms!


Connect your Raspberry Pi to a Wi-Fi network directly from PiStorms!

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Track Your Face With PiStorms PopHeads Program

Track Your Face With PiStorms PopHeads Program


Awesome program that uses Pi Camera to recognize faces and track them on the PiStorms!

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PiStorms Compatibility

PiStorms Compatibility


Not sure what motors and sensors are compatible with the PiStorms? Find your answers here!

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Vision for your PiStorms Robot using Pi Camera!

Vision for your PiStorms Robot using Pi Camera!


Do you want to make clever robot that can see and respond?

Here is how to attach a Pi Camera to your PiStorms robot...

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Change I2C Device Address with PiStorms

Change I2C Device Address with PiStorms


There is a quick and easy way to change I2C device addresses! Change the I2C address from the PiStorms touchscreen with the Change Address program.

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PiStorms Explorer

PiStorms Explorer


Easily find the i2c address and device information of a sensor attached to the PiStorms!

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Access PiStorms Raspberry Pi Remotely - Tutorial

Access PiStorms Raspberry Pi Remotely - Tutorial


Gain remote access to you PiStorms and Raspberry Pi with your home, work, or school network!

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Upgrade Your PiStorms Software - Tutorial

Upgrade Your PiStorms Software - Tutorial


Keep your PiStorms software up to date with this easy process!

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PiStorms Python Programming Tutorial

PiStorms Python Programming Tutorial


Get started programming your PiStorms in Python. 

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Program PiStorms with Scratch - Getting Started

Program PiStorms with Scratch - Getting Started


Programming PiStorms is now as easy as pi! Program your PiStorms robots with Scratch.

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PiStorms Frame Assembly

PiStorms Frame Assembly


Want to build a chassis for your PiStorms Robot? Mount you PiStorms and Raspberry Pi to the PiStorms Frame to connect your LEGO pieces.

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More Motors with PiStorms

More Motors with PiStorms


Using NxtMMX with PiStorms

The PiStorms has four motor ports, for some people that could be a problem.  However, using the Mindsensors.com NxtMMX on the sensor ports of a PiStorms board we can can add an additional eight motors being that can be controlled, for a total of twelve motor ports.

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Catching Mike

Catching Mike


Catching Mike is a simple but fun game you can play on your PiStorms!

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My Loyal PyDog Companion

My Loyal PyDog Companion





The PyDog, is an interactive robot using Raspberry Pi, PiStorms, and NXTSumoEyes.  PyDog will see you through the NXTSumoEyes, turn to face you then greet you by shaking, barking, and wagging it's tail.

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Sam the Emotional Robot

Sam the Emotional Robot


At first Sam seems calm and collective, but get a closer look to see how easily he is scared.

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Featured Posts

The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the...

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The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the...

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  • What do you use to program your FRC Robot?