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Rainfall Alert

Rainfall Alert


The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the EV3. Our custom block makes it easy to read the sensor from your program. Here is an example of using it with the Grove water sensor.

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The Flame Sensor! A Grove Sensor Adapter project

The Flame Sensor! A Grove Sensor Adapter project


The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the EV3. Our custom block makes it easy to read the sensor from your program. Here is an example of using it with the Grove flame sensor.

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Cheer With Me! A Grove Sensor Adapter project

Cheer With Me! A Grove Sensor Adapter project


The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the EV3. Our custom block makes it easy to read the sensor from your program. Here is an example of using it with the Grove sound sensor.

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Gas Sensor: a Grove Sensor Adapter project

Gas Sensor: a Grove Sensor Adapter project


The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the EV3. Our custom block makes it easy to read the sensor from your program. Here is an example of using it with the Grove gas sensor.

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Buzz Buzz! (Buzzer with Grove Sensor Adapter)

Buzz Buzz! (Buzzer with Grove Sensor Adapter)


The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the EV3. Our custom block makes it easy to read the sensor from your program. Here is an example of using it with the Grove buzzer.

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Air Quality Monitor: a Grove Sensor Adapter project

Air Quality Monitor: a Grove Sensor Adapter project


The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the EV3. Our custom block makes it easy to read the sensor from your program. Here is an example of using it with the Grove air quality sensor.

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Sunlight Sensor with the Grove Sensor Adapter

Sunlight Sensor with the Grove Sensor Adapter


The Grove sunlight sensor is quite versatile, detecting visible, infrared, and ultraviolet light. The Grove Sensor Adapter lets you access all this information from your EV3.

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Intruder Alert! ...Or, Welcome?

Intruder Alert! ...Or, Welcome?


The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the EV3. Our custom block makes it easy to read the sensor from your program. Here is an example of using it with the Grove motion sensor.

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Plant Moisture Monitor: a Grove Sensor Adapter project

Plant Moisture Monitor: a Grove Sensor Adapter project


The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the EV3. Our custom block makes it easy to read the sensor from your program. Here is an example of using it with the Grove moisture sensor.

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Temperature Tracker: a Grove Sensor Adapter project

Temperature Tracker: a Grove Sensor Adapter project


The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the EV3. Our custom block makes it easy to read the sensor from your program. Here is an example of using it with the temperature sensor.

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Discovering duplicate CAN IDs

Discovering duplicate CAN IDs


Each device on the CAN network must have a unique ID. This blog post will help you discover SD540C's with repeated CAN IDs.

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Linking Javadoc in Eclipse

Linking Javadoc in Eclipse


This quick guide will walk you through linking the mindsensors FRC library Javadoc in Eclipse for Content Assist.

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How to Use SD540C and CANLight with LabVIEW

How to Use SD540C and CANLight with LabVIEW


This blog post will guide you through programming your CANLight and SD540C devices from LabVIEW.

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All About Limit Switches

All About Limit Switches


Learn how you can use limit switches with the SD540C on your FRC robot!

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Using the mindsensors Configuration Tool

Using the mindsensors Configuration Tool


The mindsensors Configuration Tool is your tool to change any parameters on your SD540Cs and CANLights. You can change the basics such as device ID and name, but it also lets you perform more advanced functions like configuring limit switches for the SD540C or testing colors on the CANLight.

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How to Use SD540C and CANLight with RoboRIO

How to Use SD540C and CANLight with RoboRIO


We're excited to bring two new products to you this season: the SD540C motor controller and CANLight LED strip controller! This blog post will guide you though getting your first example program up and running.

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Calibrate SD540B

Calibrate SD540B


Calibration tutorial for the SD540B

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Troubleshooting the NXTServo

Troubleshooting the NXTServo


Having trouble with your NXTServo? This checklist will help you troubleshoot your issue.

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Use Arduino UNO as a Firmware Upgrader for SD540B

Use Arduino UNO as a Firmware Upgrader for SD540B


Use the Arduino UNO to upgrade SD540B firmware

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How to Upgrade PiStorms Firmware

How to Upgrade PiStorms Firmware


Do you need to upgrade your PiStorms to latest firmware?? Read on..........

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Transfer Files to Raspberry Pi

Transfer Files to Raspberry Pi


Easily transfer pictures, videos, documents, and other files from your PC to the Raspberry Pi!

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mindsensors toolkit for LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS 2015

mindsensors toolkit for LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS 2015


Do you want to use mindsensor's sensors in LabVIEW 2015? Here is how to use mindsensor's toolkit.

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Connecting Pi-Light to Raspberry Pi directly

Connecting Pi-Light to Raspberry Pi directly


How to connect the Pi-Light directly to the Raspberry Pi without the Pi-Pan and how to program the Pi-Light. Including some example python programs.

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How to install OpenCV on Raspberry Pi and do Face Tracking

How to install OpenCV on Raspberry Pi and do Face Tracking


Do you want to install OpenCV on your Raspberry Pi and  track faces with python, without going in to details of compiling the OpenCV package?

Follow the instructions below.

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Upgrading Evshield Firmware

Upgrading Evshield Firmware


A simple blog post about how to upgrade the firmware of your EVShield using an Arduino.

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How to track Stronghold high goalpost using vision system on your FRC robot.

How to track Stronghold high goalpost using vision system on your FRC robot.


At the core, Stronghold goal is just a visual pattern. A semi-circular window with bricks around. There are reflective tape markers but we will not be using them in this tutorial. All human player needs to do is scan for the pattern, our brain is able to pick out this pattern, even among all the distraction.

The question is, can computers do better? want to know keep reading.

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Set Neutral Position on Continuous Rotation Servo Using the EV3

Set Neutral Position on Continuous Rotation Servo Using the EV3


Using an NXTservo and the LEGO EV3 this will show you how to set and find the neutral position for your Continuous Rotation servo.

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Change I2C Speed with Raspberry Pi

Change I2C Speed with Raspberry Pi


Learn how to change the I2C speed on the raspberry pi.

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Tutorial - Soldering XT60 Connectors

Tutorial - Soldering XT60 Connectors


Easy soldering of XT60 Connector.

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How to upgrade firmware of SD540 Motor Controller for FRC

How to upgrade firmware of SD540 Motor Controller for FRC


The firmware of SD540 and SD540B can be upgraded to avail new features. Here is how you upgrade the firmware.

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BombiniBot Whisker Error Correction

BombiniBot Whisker Error Correction


An issue that may occur while assembling your BombiniBot is where one of the whisker values (tentacle sensor values) returns "Left", "Right", or possibly both, while the bot is stationary. This blog should help clear up and give you some troubleshooting techniques to fix the issue.

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Programming with SD540 and Python

Programming with SD540 and Python


Considering using python with your robot? So have we.

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How to prevent electrical reverse polarity or connection mistakes on your FRC robot.

How to prevent electrical reverse polarity or connection mistakes on your FRC robot.


Often new team members (or even experienced ones) building an FRC robot, under the pressure of ticking clock, make the terrible mistake of connecting the wrong wires at  the wrong places. These mistakes can cost teams lots of money, headaches, and more importantly valuable time! This can be easily avoided if you follow these few simple steps.

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Line Following Robot with LightSensorArray or LineLeader

Line Following Robot with LightSensorArray or LineLeader


Track a line with LightSensorArray or LineLeader. Link to example codes included!

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Magic-Wand on Raspi-Proto with Optional Direction Sensing

Magic-Wand on Raspi-Proto with Optional Direction Sensing


Make your own Magic Wand for Raspberry Pi!

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How To Use SD540

How To Use SD540


Want to use the SD540 with Labview? Here is a simple example to get you started.

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Connecting Raspberry Pi to Wifi

Connecting Raspberry Pi to Wifi


Using the RTL8188 chip-set we will show you how to connect your Raspberry Pi to a wireless network with 10 steps.

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Wireless Controlled LEGO Robot with PSP-Nx

Wireless Controlled LEGO Robot with PSP-Nx


Learn how to mount the PSP-Nx on a classic NXT robot, the TriBot. Link to example code included!

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Change I2C Device Address

Change I2C Device Address


Learn how to change your I2C device's address.

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Check Basic Information of Your I2C Sensors

Check Basic Information of Your I2C Sensors


Having trouble communicating with your I2C sensor? This is the first step in troubleshooting I2C communication!

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Tuning BombiniBot Motors

Tuning BombiniBot Motors


Does your BombiniBot fade to one side when you tell it to go straight? This will fix him. Straighten out misbehaving BombiniBots by tuning the motor speeds.

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Tri-Bot Claw and Touch Sensor Removal

Tri-Bot Claw and Touch Sensor Removal


Simple steps to remove the Tri-Bot claw and touch sensor.

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Make Your Own Obstacle Avoidance Robot with SumoEyes

Make Your Own Obstacle Avoidance Robot with SumoEyes


Learn how to make a simple obstacle avoidance robot using SumoEyes. Link to example code included!

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Attach Mulitple Sensors to a Single EV3 Port

Attach Mulitple Sensors to a Single EV3 Port


Learn how to attach several sensors to a single EV3 port using SPLIT-Nx.

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Line Tracking Experiments with NXTCam

Line Tracking Experiments with NXTCam


Want to build a vision assisted line tracking robot?

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How to recover NXT from clicking brick syndrome

How to recover NXT from clicking brick syndrome


Is your NXT dead with clicking noise?

Here is a short tutorial to revive your dead brick.

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The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the...

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The mindsensors Grove Sensor Adapter makes it easy to use a variety of unique Grove sensors with the...

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  • What do you use to program your FRC Robot?